Fellow Family Medicine colleagues,
The NAFP for several years has been working diligently to strengthen primary care in Nebraska. One of the ways we have been trying to do this is with Primary Care Investment, which many of you have heard about. We have studied many other states and we have seen the positive outcomes that a greater investment in primary care had in those health systems. After multiple years of research, development, and stakeholder recruitment we did introduce a bill that passed and was signed by Governor Ricketts this session. This is the first crucial step that will establish the committee that will study, define primary care investment in Nebraska and provide recommendations on how to increase the primary care investment in Nebraska. We should all be excited for this first step and thank multiple members that have been crucial to this milestone! The executive, and legislative committees as well as our Lobbyists have worked tirelessly to accomplish this. We must acknowledge the tireless and firm leadership of Liz Simon and her staff in making this possible as well. Please thank all these individuals. Continue to be engaged with your representatives. If you have further questions, please let us know!
Josue D. Gutierrez MD, FAAFP (Board Certified Family Medicine Physician, Co-Chair Legislative Committee NAFP)
Joseph S. Miller, MD, FAAFP (Co-Chair Legislative Committee NAFP)