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NAFP Hosts Resident Jeopardy at 74th ASA

The NAFP was grateful that we could resume more of our annual activities at the 74th Annual Scientific Assembly, including Resident Medical Jeopardy, Resident Oral Presentations, and Resident/Student Poster Presentations. This year we had four teams compete in Resident Medical Jeopardy as an all-attendee event where everyone could brush up on their medical knowledge. The participants were:

  • Creighton Bluejays: Mariana Bebawy, MBBCh, Lillia Cherkasskiy, MD, & Navneet Saggu, MD
  • LMEP Triviatillomania: Tyson Carlson, MD, Sean Flor, MD & Madeleine Wilson, MD
  • Clarkson CFM: Rubab Ali, MD, Alex Beck, MD & Michael Turco, MD
  • UNMC Family Medicine: Andrew Engle, MD, Hannah Siel, MD & Thomas Vonderfecht, MD