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Membership Benefits

The Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians represents more than 1,300 family physician members in Nebraska. The NAFP is a constituent chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians which has more than 136,700 members. 

Family physicians offer the largest single primary care specialty in the state. They practice in all sizes of communities throughout Nebraska. Because of their training, family physicians can care for approximately 90% of the problems their patients present to them.

The Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians offers a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of our members. We help them by providing programs, information and resources to assist in their journey. Get the support and information you need, and the membership services you deserve. The NAFP is dedicated to these goals:

  1. Advocating for cost effective, comprehensive, quality health care for all Nebraskans and for the family physicians who serve them.
  2. Creating value to our current family physicians and promoting family medicine to students and residents.
  3. Providing relevant practice enhancement resources to assist family physicians in providing cost effective, comprehensive, quality health care for Nebraskans of all ages.
  4. Providing high quality continuing medical education in Nebraska.
  5. Maintaining a strong, sustainable Academy through effective Board composition and operation.   

Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians Services and Membership Benefits

American Academy of Family Physicians Services and Membership Benefits